When it comes to comparing your insurance rates, be it auto insurance of life, it’s critical to begin your research as soon as possible. Insurance is a tricky business. Purchasing car insurance one year can be cost-effective at that moment in time; however, it may no longer be cost-effective in the following years.
So, When Should You Compare Your Insurance Rates?
We highly recommend comparing and re-checking your insurance rates once every year for drivers with a clean record. However, if you do have a bad credit score or would like to change your policy cover plan, then consider comparing auto insurance immediately.
Compare Car Insurance After an At-Fault Accident
If you’ve recently been in an at-fault accident, it’s crucial to begin comparing your auto insurance rates within 1 year to 3 years after your accident. Auto insurance rates can spike up after an at-fault accident, which can cost you as a driver a lot of money in the long-run. Comparing your car insurance rates immediately after an accident can help you save money as not all insurance providers charge the same rates for at-fault accidents.
Compare Auto Insurance by Age
Young drivers, often in their 20’s and senior drivers, may pay a lot more when it comes to insurance policies. This is because young and senior drivers are considered “at-risk” and are often the moreover-represented demographic in car accidents. So, the cost of car insurance can be quite pricey for people within this demographic. Now, if you consider yourself a safe driver and have a good clean record, then we highly recommend reaching out to our insurance agents to compare your insurance rates.
Compare Car Insurance by Discounts Offered
Comparing your insurance rates regularly can allow you to identify insurers that offer the best car insurance discounts, which can save you money. Now there are many different types of discounts insurance agencies may offer so during your search we highly recommend sifting through insurers that offer the following discounts:
- Discounts through bundling policies
- Defensive driver discounts
- Military and Veteran discounts
- Low mileage discounts
What’s the best way to compare car insurance quotes online?
Comparing auto insurance rates is no easy task—in Texas alone, different insurance companies will offer different insurance policies to their consumers. The price for premiums, policies, and deductibles will vary. Now we understand that picking the best car insurance policy to suit your individual needs and budget can seem like a daunting task, but you don’t need to do it alone.
At James Little, we take the time to compare auto insurance policies from some of the top-rated insurance companies in Texas. We work for you, the policyholder, and not the insurance company. Whatever your individual needs, budget, and concerns, our team of insurance agents can advise you on the best policies available for purchase at no obligation. Simply reach out to our team for a free quote today.